
Viewing 1 - 14 out of 14 posts

Puzzle Toys for Dogs

Dog Enrichment Puzzle Toys:  In a make-shift experiment during a cocktail party for people and dogs, dog participants were offered an opportunity to find treats in one of three puzzle Read More

Behavior Deployment

St.Croix: November - December, 2017: St. Croix, the largest island in the US Virgin Islands in the Caribbean Sea was damaged severely by two category five hurricanes Irma and Maria in September 2017. Read More

Noise Aversion in Dogs

Is your dog afraid of some sounds? As many as 50% of dogs suffer from some kind of sound sensitivity. It may be the volume (loudness), the frequency (pitch), and/or the suddenness (abrupt) of the sounds (Sherman and Mills, 2008). Read More

Why Do Cats Hide?

Every so often I am asked questions about animal behavior by the media. The most recent interview centered around hiding behavior of cats. Here is the interview written by Jodi Helmer and can be found on: Read More

Introducing Cats

How to help cats live together peacefully. I was recently invited to film a segment on E! Pop about how to make cats get along. Well, 4 minutes was not nearly enough time. So here, I elaborate on some points and add others that will help bring your cats together rather than apart. Read More

Zoomies: Why Your Dog Gets Hyper & Runs in Circles

My colleague , Stephanie Gibeault, MSc, CPDT, and I had an interesting conversation about zoomies in animals. Here is the resultant article published in the American Kennel Club... Read More

Why do Dogs Tilt Their Heads?

My colleague , Stephanie Gibeault, MSc, CPDT, and I had an interesting conversation about head tilting behavior in animals. Here is the resultant article published in the American Kennel Club... Read More

Leash-Induced Aggression

Did you ever wonder why your dog is friendly when he is off-leash, but growls, barks and lunges when he is walking on-leash in the street? Or your dog starts off friendly and then becomes aggressive as soon as you pull him away. In many cases, the difference or change in behavior can be attributed… Read More

Let's Bark about It - Excessive Barking Part 2

Excessive Barking is a problem, for both people and dogs. It can be so disruptive for people, the law has gotten involved. Did you know it is illegal to have your dog bark during certain hours of the day and for prolonged periods of time? Neighbors have brought neighbors to court over issues involving "nuisance" and "disturbance of the peace." Read More

Dogs and Daycare

Dogs are social creatures-It’s no wonder they can get lonely, bored, and anxious when they’re home all alone. Can doggy daycare help make your dog a happier companion? Yes, with two conditions. It is FUN. It is SAFE. Read More

Dog Training: Constructive vs Confrontational

There is so much information out there on how best to train your pet. Some people believe that training must include a heavy hand and aversive punishment (confrontational). Some people believe reward based training with positive experiences (constructive) is bribery. Read More

Let's Bark About It-Excessive Barking Part 1

A dog's bark comes from its ancestor's vocal repertoire. The wolf "bark", not as famous as the wolf "howl", used often by wolves to signal the detection of danger. During my communication research with wolves, I heard the pack bark and bark-howl during the pup season when the pack was on high alert and extremely protective of their new litter. Read More

People-Pet Relationships - In Trust We Bond

In Trust We Bond is a collaboration of 10 illustrated practical action principles for building and maintaining trust with pets. A trusting relationship is a healthy relationship, and is often the predictor of a successful long-term attachment bond... Read More

10 Steps to a Stress-Less Pet

10 Steps to a Stress Less Pet Jill Goldman, Ph.D., CAAB 1. Treat your pet as an individual. No two pets are the same, even if they come from the same parents. Your pet’s a living creature with unique skills and limitations... Read More

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